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Empowering Women 
& Girls Locally

Our MIssion, Values & Principles

How we are keeping our Promise

Become a Member or Volunteer


A warm welcome from Girlguiding Feniton, the home of 1st Feniton Brownies and 1st Feniton Guides.

We hope you enjoy exploring our site, finding out about us and what we like to do. 

Here you can find out about what Brownies and Guides is, what we have been up to, and how you can become a member or a volunteer. 

You can also meet our team of leaders and find all the important links you need, including how you can help us raise funds. 

But before that, check out Our Story below, telling you all about the history of 1st Feniton Brownies.

A walk back in time...


Brownies started in the UK in 1914 as Rosebuds, but the name was quickly changed to Brownies in 1915, after the girls complained.

By 1971, the village of Feniton was growing fast, so a Brownie group was established for the young girls to enjoy.

"Happiness comes not from what we have but from what we give and what we share."

Olave Baden-Powell


Join Us

Become a Brownie, Guide

or a Volunteer

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