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Our Team

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Get to know your Leaders


Brown Owl

Hello, I’m Brown Owl and I am in charge of all the Brownies and Guides. My real name is Sophie and I love to relax with my cats Millie and Pav.

I have been a member of Feniton Brownies since I was 6. I first qualified as an Adult Leader in 2008 with Brownies and then went on to qualify as a Guide and Ranger leader too. I set up and ran a Ranger unit for many years and have achieved my Queen’s Guide Award and Holiday Licences.    


Barn Owl

Hi, I’m Barn Owl and I am second in charge of all the Brownies. My real name is Gemma and I like taking my dog, Bramble, for a walk.

I joined Feniton Brownies whilst I was completing my Duke of Edinburgh Award but now, I am a leader-in-training. I work as a waitress and juggle all the money at Brownies.     


Red Squirrel

Hey, I’m Red Squirrel and I am in charge of all the new Brownies. My real name is Sam and I love my animals. I also enjoy crafting and family days out.

I have been helping at Feniton Brownies for a couple of years and now I am a leader at Feniton Guides with Brown Owl.  


Red Fox

Hi, I’m Red Fox and I am the Young Leader at Brownies. My real name is Jasmine and I am Red Squirrel’s daughter. I love photography, animals and baking. I am doing a photography and arts course at college.



Hello, I’m Terry and you will see me at Brownies when we need extra help. I like reading and gardening.

I use to help run Feniton Brownies many years ago when my daughter was a Brownie, you know her as Brown Owl.

Image by Delaney Van

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